
About The Founder
LOVING HEARTS SOCIAL SERVICE SOCIETY (LHM) was Founded by BRO.DAVIDSON (VINOD MADIVI) A very Young man of God who is very passionate and Heart willing to work and surrendered His life after receiving a clear call from God to serve him at the Hard times of Mission field. While he was studying in high school He completed fell in sick and there were none to care about him in school which leads him to loneliness. He found one thing can make him feeling better and started praying and crying to God he had a question “ IF HE DIE NOW WHERE HE WILL GO” But God Answered that prayer and Showed him John 11:25 Jesus Said , I am the Resurrection and the Life . Whoever Believes in me, Though he Die, Yet shall he Live . He was born in a Christian family But he did not completely surrender his life to God. Now He woke up and prayed.
His father was an Indian missionary and impacted many lives in the tribe in most regions of his community. Davidson s Father started an orphanage in the year 2004 with a very humble beginning. Even with no support from any others, his father continued running the orphanage for many years. He was very talented in all the activities. He dreams to become a civil department officer. But one day visiting and seeing missionary works along with co missionaries and experiencing the lifestyle of them as well orphanage changed his way of thinking. He looked the people who are struggling to spread the Gospel in native tribe areas. His Heart cried and prayed to Lord asked for his provision and suggestion what he wants to do with him. He said Raise up and hold my word you’re my voice.
After Davidson completed His High School His Heart willing to serve Jesus in ministry work but His father Send Him to college. But Just After two months of Joining college as God spoke to Davidson, he stopped his education and started working full time in ministry along with his father since 2015. Due to some Health issues of His father. He wants Davidson to continue the Ministry work for Lord. God lead Davidson to use his spiritual gifts in many regions with Love and Care in many ways touching the lives of the Neglected people who are in deprived situations. Caring for the orphans with Love in LOVING HEARTS CHILDREN HOME A PLACE OF LOVE CALLED LOVING HOME. Sending up the Native missionaries with Hand to Hand Gospel Holding Bible and Love of God filled. We are pleased that God has been moving this little ministry to many regions we can reach in 70 Villages focusing on the Gospel and Love of God. Caring for widows and Old is what we have been taught from the Bible and we follow that God has been blessing us to meet even some needs by providing them. Educating the Poor and needy people is very necessary for the future of the upcoming world and their lives. Supporting Native missionaries. Train new students and use their spiritual gifts and send them for mission field. we are praying to start a leprosy mission with Love and We know It’s not possible for him alone and if we all can get together it is possible. We all need your prayers and support for this little ministry in India. He is willing to reach the more focusing in unreacherd communities where he resides. He has Heart crying for his people who are dying without knowing Jesus. You can visit once at any time if you wish in India partakes in this ministry. Pray for this Ministry.
Bro. Davidson